Now that you know all about my life, I think it is time for me to start this blogging nonsense!
So, earlier today I was dropping a know...making reece's feces...bombin some...lettin em' go...
I can't make up anymore at this time,but it got me to thinking...
My 2 cats share a litter box just like my fiance and I share a toilet. You know how pissed they must get when their litterbox doesn't flush? I bet real pissed! If I had to bury my shit so that the next person who went had a "clear" spot to go on, I would not enjoy life as much as I do right now. And at the same time, if the person I were living with were like a bad shit coverer I think it would bring some drama to the table that could simply be avoided.
I only bring this up because one of the 2 cats I have is a TERRIBLE shit coverer, and not only do I hate it becasue it makes everything smell like cat shit, but the other cat has to dodge these poo mines when she has to go. TOTALLY UNFAIR!
Why can't someone make an AFFORDABLE (key word) flushing litter box that goes to a special cat sewer where no one can ever worry about the smell of cat shit again? Is that so hard to ask? I mean WTF inventors..
I gotta admit, I lied in the beggining of this entry...I said, "earlier today" when I Was talking about droppin it...I meant when I started writing. Soooo, I am done now and other things are calling (like the tp) so I will check y'all later.
j/k...I would never say one, I don;t even get what it means!
j/k I wouldn't say bye because it doesn't look cool written down, only when I say it with the enthusiasm a heartfelt goodbye should be said with!
OH SHIT! I think i'd rather clean a litter box than deal with these...
Later boners.
pj! a flushing litter box is the absolute best idea. you need to come down with jess next time she visits. well actually next time its my turn to visit your guys new apartment, can't wait. although, im not coming until both of your cats are properly covering their poos.